Molecular Biosciences Laboratory (all deliveries, Fedex, UPS, etc)
Northwestern University
Department of Molecular Biosciences
Pancoe 4211, 2205 Tech Drive, Evanston, IL 60208-3500
Lab phone: 847-467-1187
Marko Molecular Biosciences office phone (Pancoe 4109): 847-467-1276
Fax: 847-467-1380
Physics and Astronomy
(No shipments to this address - all shipments should go to the MB address above)
Northwestern University
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Tech F319
2145 Sheridan Road, Evanston IL 60208-3112
Marko Physics and Astronomy office phone: 847-467-7291
NU Directory Entry for John F. Marko (including email)